Fishing Reports

Popping day for Gt's

Few days ago, I have guided Ross from England, who was travelling in Sri Lanka.

Ross is a great fly fisherman for salmon in UK and wanted to have a try on popping for Gt's during his holidays.

He landed his first Gt's and he enjoyed !!!

Another happy angler who fished with us

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

GT fishing with US anglers

Last week, I guided Jesse and his friend Fred, for a popping day to target GT's.

Despite some windy conditions, the guys don't give up and they have 5 bites and caught 2 Gt's, their first ever GT on popping.

Congratulations guys !!

Nice to meeting you and to have you onboard of Diviya.

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Fly fishing at Bolgoda Lake with Umpqa USA angler

Every season, I have the pleasure to guide Dave from Umpqa company for a fly fishing day. At the beginning, we have planned to have a go at sea, but sadly this day was too windy to fly fish. Then we decided to have a go at Bolgoda Lake.

Morning was quite slow, Dave caught only an oxeye tarpon.

In the afternoon the fish were more keen to play with Dave. After catching a small mangrove jack, Dave focus of catching a featherback on fly as they were well active in the evening time. After he dropped one on the first jump, he finally caught a nice one.

Dave was so happy, to tick one of the fish he had in his bucket list.

Congratulations Dave !!!

I know I will see you next season for another fly fishing day.

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Great popping and jigging trip with Singaporeans anglers

Beginning of the month, we have received Yunus, Roy and uncle John from Singapore for a 4 days sea fishing trip.

The guys were quite experienced, well equipped and ready to catch the sri lankan fishs. First two days popping was a bit slow, then we focus to fish on jig and they had some great action with sometimes double hook up on Gt's.

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Roy caught a nice dogtooth tuna, Yunus a malabar grouper and uncle John a strong Diamon Trevally, plus plenty of Gt's.

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The last two days, we mainly focus on popping. The third day the guys have 11 bites but sadly caught only 2 Gt's.

Last day, we been to the drop off to jig, Gt's where there and the guys had a good time. Yunus caught an amberjack and uncle John a nice black tip trevally (also named malabar trevally). On the last drift of their jigging session, Roy lost a big fish after a serious rush.

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End of the day and the trip, we spent the last couple of hours on popping and Yunus after he missed some fish, finally caught a decent Gt's with his Hammer Head E cup popper.

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But it's Roy, tired to pop, he was fishing on light jigging on the popping spots and caught the last fish of the trip, an absolute beautiful coral trout.

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I had a great time guiding Yunus, Roy and uncle John, they told me they enjoyed their trip and will come back to fish in Sri Lanka. Waiting for you guys !!!

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Nice half day fishing with my son Paul

A week ago, I have fished in Bolgoda Lake with my son Paul and one of his classmate for a short afternoon session.

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I have put the boys on some good spots and they have a blast with mangrove jacks. The last 30 minutes of fishing I joined them and I was lucky enough to caught a nice barramundi. Paul was so proud of his dad

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Lure of the day : Rapala Shadow Rap Deep in Fire Tiger Color (now this lure is in Paul's lure box )

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Fantastic popping and jigging fishing day

Next day after fishing with Shane, I have guided Damith, his friends Saliya and Sajan. It was a fantastic day fishing.

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Please read Damith report :

"Once again with our wonderful Capt Nico who put us on the spots and we had an epic day with Sajan and Saliya. It was fun and full of enthusiasm by the "Boy" Sajan whom I have fished with since a kid. He had a wonderful spell with a number of GT's, dogtooth tuna and a sizeable GT to "Cap it off". Saliya my old buddy was content with a pompano and cooling off with beers chilled to the Max!!!!."

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Sajan dreamed to catch a GT on popping and for his first time, he caught 3 Gt's with a decent 30 kg !!

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Congratulations !!!

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Nice fishing day at sea with Shane from Australia

We gone mainly for popping, it was the first GT popping experience for Shane.

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He had 8 strikes and he caught 2 GT's, with a solid fish of 20kg+. He missed 2 big fish in the afternoon but he was happy to caught these first GT's ever on popping.

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Congratulations Shane ! It was nice to have you onboard Diviya and thanks for the tips regarding marlin fishing, I will have a try soon and let you know how it work in Sri Lanka

Tight lines

Capt. Nico

Famous carp fishing girl caught her first GT on popping

Last week-end, I was guiding the lovely Claudia from Germany, which is also a famous carp fishing girl in Europe, with close to 70k followers on Instagram. It was her first ever GT popping experience.

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After, loosing a nice fish who reef her, she finally caught a powerful GT and she enjoyed !!!

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Stay tuned for the full report of Claudia.

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Aussie couple had a blast at Bolgoda

Last week, I have guided Leroy from Shimano Australia and his girlfriend Rose at Bolgoda Lake and they had a great fishing day.

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They had blast with some nice MJ's, Leroy caught also a nice featherback and Rose caught a decent Golden Barramundi, who give her a insane fight on light tackle.

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Another great day fishing in our light tackle heaven : Bolgoda Lake !!!

Nico - Head Fishing Guide