Sport Fishing Lanka

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Great popping trip for young German anglers !!

Max, Robin and Christoph from Germany had booked 3 days popping with us last week and they had a great fishing trip with some good topwater action.

Max and Christoph had already experienced GT popping by the past in Andaman Islands and it was a first for Robin which is mainly fishing for carps in Europe. The first day they had a very good day, on the first spot and the first drift Christoph caught the first GT of the trip and on the second drift it's Max who caught a GT. They caught and missed some fish during the day, and it's in the afternoon Robin caught his first ever GT. End of the day, Max caught the biggest fish of the day a GT in the 20-25 kg range.

The second day, they caught some fish in the morning and just before lunch I proposed them to do some trolling to reach the next popping spots for the afternoon. Conditions were just perfect and in less than 30 minutes, a sailfish was jumping in the air and Robin landed his first ever billfish, congratulations !!! We released this sailfish, for him to grow a bit more and give the chance at another sport fisherman to catch it. In the afternoon, we found some good activity and the boys caught some more GT's.

The third day, fish activity was less, but the guys don't give up and keep casting and that pay off, as they caught some Gt's.

All in all, it was a great 3 days fishing trip with good action, no big one this time, but they caught a sailfish ;-)

Thanks guys to came fishing with us and I wish you a great holidays in Sri Lanka !!

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico